Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projet

  • Title: Optimization driven Multi-Hop Network Design and Experimentation


  • Defi: New paradigms and experimental facilities

  • Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP)

  • Duration: May 2008 - April 2011

  • Coordinator: CRTH (Greece)

  • Others partners: Technicolor, Freie Universitaet Berlin (FUB), Politechnika Poznanska (PUT)

  • See also: http://www.opnex.eu/

  • Abstract: OPNEX delivers a first principles approach to the design of architectures and protocols for multi-hop wireless networks. Systems and optimization theory is used as the foundation for algorithms that provably achieve full transport capacity of wireless systems. Subsequently a plan for converting the algorithms termed in abstract network models to protocols and architectures in practical wireless systems is given. Finally a validation methodology through experimental protocol evaluation in real network test-beds is proposed. OPNEX will use recent advances in system theoretic network control, including the backpressure principle, max-weight scheduling, utility optimization congestion control and primal-dual method for extracting network algorithms. These approaches exhibited already vast potential for achieving maximum capacity and full exploitation of resources in abstract network models and found their way to reality in high performance switching architectures and recent variants of TCP that embody the primal-dual optimization principle. Wireless, the fastest growing component of internet today, is also the least understood for the designer due to mobility, rapidly changing topology, radio link unpredictability and volatile load distribution among others. Current approaches used in practice for multi-hop wireless, the basic communication infrastructure for sensor network extensions of the internet, are mostly empirical and heuristic. Our system optimization approach will provide a rigorous integrated system design framework from physical up to network and transport layer that renders itself to validation and comparison with the theoretically optimal performance in terms of throughput, spectrum and energy utilization. The adopted approach on decentralization, communication and computational complexity reduction as well as autonomous operation will lead to implementable algorithms and architectures to be validated eventually in the proposed test-beds.

EDA project

  • Program: EDA (European Defense Agency

  • Project acronym: ETARE

  • Project title: ETARE

  • Duration: 2008-2011

  • Coordinator: Thales Italy

  • Other partners: Thales France and Belgium, Patria Aviation, Oulu university, Selex, Insta, Sapienza university and Elektrobit.

  • Abstract: ETARE is a project of EDA (European Defense Agency). The goal of the ETARE project is to ease the requirement to transmit more and more information and to interconnect the users in ad hoc networks. These ad hoc networks will link together the different elements on the battlefield (vehicles, foot soldiers, helicopters) and possibly connect them with naval forces. This will be possible through High Data Rate Networking waveforms, which will also insure interoperability between forces.

    In this project, INRIA's contribution is focused on network layer. INRIA studies the various protocol's ability to handle heterogeneous ad hoc networks as well as QoS features. INRIA has delivered a draft document for this study with the following issues

    • Legacy routing protocols and geographic aware protocols,

    • Overhead of routing protocols,

    • General QoS architecture and application of this architecture for CSMA and TDMA protocols.

    Participants : Cédric Adjih, Philippe Jacquet, Paul Mühlethaler.